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садовники ухаживают за розами

in this picture i can see a flowerbed in the street.it's flowerbed with roses.two gardeners are looking after these beautiful flowers.they are making the ground light.men are having shovels in their hands.i think,this work isn't very easy because it is hot in the street.the men are wearing an orange uniform.it seems to me they like to look after such beautiful flowers.

My teacher's name  she is a teacher of english  she has long / short hair  she is very beautiful and kind  she always looks good  sometimes she is strict.  моего учителя зовут учительница языка.у нее длинные/короткие волосы.она красивая и добрая.она всегда хорошо выглядит. она строгая иногда.   что-нибудь придумай еще на

Популярно: Английский язык