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Вв этом сделай эти утверждения вопросами 1)they have three horses.2)they sing very well.3)we like to sit by the fire. 3)these boys can play tennis 4)this boy dances very well рожалуйста ото 2​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)how many horses do they have got?

2)how do they sing?

3)where do they like to sit?

4)who can play tennis?

5)how do they dance?


1) Past simple

2) was, were

3) was ставится только в единственном числе, а were ставится только во множественном числе.

4) Поставить глагол was/were на первое место

5) Was Fred at the toy shop yesterday

6) Приписать not ( есть два варианта: was not или wasn't)

7) Jim and Maggie weren't at the clothes shop last week.

8) Нужно приписать частицу ed, например washed.

9)  I was in the aquapark. We were at the space

10) I wasn't in the aquapark. We weren't at the space.

11) Was you at the aquapark? Were you at the space?

Популярно: Английский язык