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Нужно написать 4 предложения со словом take

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i was a little nervous and didn't want to go alone so i took my brother along. (брать с собой)

2. the last chance to take an exam is on friday. (сдавать - об экзамене)

3. you may take any mug from the cupboard. (взять)

4. my mom is an excellent photographer: she always takes the best pictures. (снимать, фотографировать)

1.She often plays the guitar.

2.He will begin to study French next year.

3.They are writing a composition at the moment.

4.I bought this dress today. You may have a look .

5.Will you go with me to the cinema tomorrow?

6. Does she like her school uniform?

7.Are they playing in the room now?

8. Did she do a lot of work yesterday?

9. I am believing you now.

10.Who has written this article?


Популярно: Английский язык