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He is very lazy. he does work. last night i went to a restaurant with friends. i like hot drinks so i drink tea. how foreign languages can you speak? little many a few much few питання №4 ? завдання з вибором однієї правильної відповіді. kyivo-pecherska lavra was founded by: monks militia kyi bohdan khmelnitsky питання №5 which of the following nouns is uncountable? people mouse bottle milk питання №6 how cats have you got? lots of much many are

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Ответы на вопрос:

he is very lazy. he does not go to work.

last night i went to a restaurant with my friends.

i like hot drinks so i drink hot tea.

how many foreign languages can you speak?

питання №4

kyivo-pecherska lavra was founded by monks

питання №5  

which of the following nouns is uncountable?  

people   and milk

питання №6  

how many cats have you got?

Iconducted a survey among adolescents. the most bought goods became clothes. they buy it, because people need it. the most popular brand was "rubchinsky", as this designer produces stylish clothes that appeal to the taste of young people.

Популярно: Английский язык