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Напишите предложения в страдательном залоге: 1. the girl rings the bell. 2. everybody forgets that. 3. does the wind blow the clouds away? 4. mary is cooking the dinner. 5. they are examining the new student now. 6. somebody has broken the window. 7. the cat has caught a mouse. 8. most people have heard this story. 9. have the pupils finished the exercises? 10. the wind was blowing the clouds away. 11. the shot had frightened the birds. 12. lightning had struck the house. 13. the postman will deliver the letters. 14. people will forget it after a few weeks. 15. will they show the film? 16. someone printed this book in london.

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Ответы на вопрос:

the bell is rang by the girl.

that is forgetted by everybody.

are the couds blowed away by the wind?

the dinner is cooked by mary.

the new student is examined by them now.

the window was broken by somebody.

a mouse was caught by the cat.

this story was heard by most people.

are the exercises finished by the pupils?

the clouds were blowed by the wind away.

the birds were frightened by the shot.

the house was strucked by the lightning.

the letters will be delivered by the postman.

it will be forgetted by people after a few weeks.

will the film be showed by them?

this book was printed by someone in london

Dear grentfathe frost nev year give me the ball this new year.in this new year, i've been good and studied well.i wish you good mood in this new year

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