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Ямои 34 ответьтепоставь глагол to be в правильную форму прошедшего времени1) it ) cold yesterday.2) she ) hungry.3) we ) late for the meeting.4) i ) tired last night.5) the exam ) difficult.6) they ) in berlin.7) you ) in the library when i called you.8) the holiday ) fun.9) he ) early for the interview.10) the people we met last night ) french.11) that woman /be) spanish.12) julie /be) late for the class.13) the food /be) very good.14) they /be) my uncle and aunt.15) i /be) rude to the waitress.16) the test /be) easy.17) we /be) tired when we arrived.18) they /be) on the bus when i called.19) you /be) here when she came.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 was

2 was

3 were

4 was

5 was

6 were

7 was

8 was

9 was

10 were

11 was not

12 was not

13 was not

14 were not

15 was not

16 was not

17 were not

18 were not

19 was not

1. d

2. b

3. b

4. b

5.  a


Популярно: Английский язык