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4,8(52 оценок)

in the middle of the room there is a little brown table. around this table there are 3 chairs, sofas. near the table there is a tv, hanging in the wall, standing in the fire place. behind the 1 st chair there is a big window. pictures are hanging on the walls.

не думаю что надо ещё больше рассказывать, надеюсь достаточно) удачи.

i want to describe this picture. the picture shows the family. the father is reading newspaper . a boy is listening to music. dog is lying

1.did, cleaned, watered 4.went, played 5.listened, watched 6.cried, smiled 7.shouted 8.worked 9.baked 10.cooked 11.washed, looked 12.brushed, yawned, went 13.changed, brushed, talked 14.smoked, talked 15.arrived 16.visited 17.danced 18.had

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