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Перепишитеследующиепредложения,: can, may, must, to be to, to have to, need, should, ought, would.. 1. …i take this book for a little while? –i am sorry, but i …return it to the library at once. 2. alec… practice this sound specially, but other pupils … not: they all pronounce it properly. 3. …i go there right now? –yes, you ….. 4. … we hand in our compositions tomorrow?     no, you …hand them on saturday. 5. you … not let this cup fall: it …break. 6. … i help you with your coat? 7. you … park your car only in your own space in the back of the building. 8. we … to go shopping, there is almost no food at home. 9. you… have cancelled your trip to canada. 10. my grandfather … speak five languages.  

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Ответы на вопрос:

перепишитеследующиепредложения,: can, may, must, to be to, to have to, need, should, ought, would..

1. …i take this book for a little while? –i am sorry, but i …return it to the library at once.

2. alec practices this sound specially, but other pupils do not: they all pronounce it properly.

3. can i go there right now? –yes, you can.

4. should we hand in our compositions tomorrow?   no, you have to hand them on saturday.

5.you shouldn't let this cup fall: it may break.

6. can i help you with your coat?

7. you must park your car only in your own space in the back of the building.

8. we have to go shopping, there is almost no food at home.

9. you should have cancelled your trip to canada.

10. my grandfather can speak five languages.

Subject (предмет, дисциплина), lesson (урок), desk (доска), rubber (ластик), art (изобразительное искусство ( вроде бы все с этого набора: )

Популярно: Английский язык