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Ответы на вопрос:

1. betty was drinking coffee while she (was waiting for) her friend. 2. how long have you ( lived/been living) in this town? 3. when my mother came home i (had already done) the housework. 4. if simon ( arrives) in time we shall go for a walk. 5. why are you so dirty? – i (have been work ing) in the garden all morning. 6. don’t phone her now. she (is study ing). 7. you look busy. – i am. i (am writ ing) a letter to my brother. 8. you sounded tired when i spoke to you last night. – well, i (had been paint ing) the house all day. 9. have you sent these letters yet? – yes, i ( posted) them yesterday. 10. are there any biscuits left? – sorry, i (have  eaten) them all.

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