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Сделайте on 11th november 1811 (1) … spanish parliament passéd (2) … law creating spain’s national lottery, one of (3)………. country’s oldest. today ticket sales bring in close to nine billion pesetas (about 350 million pounds). (4) … lottery lays claim to being (5) … best in the world for those who buy tickets, with (6) … seventy per cent of the money they pay finding its way back into their pockets as prize money. (7) … rest goes to (8)… government.(9) … christmas lottery, known as “ el gordo” ( the fat one), has (10) … largest jackpot. spaniards spend as much as 272 billion pesetas on (11) … tickets each year and get over 200 billion of that back in (12) … prizes. official lottery shops and bars, restaurants and even small family stores sell tickets for weeks beforehand. the 3000 peseta “decimos” as the individual tickets are called, can win (13)… bearer as much as 300 million pesetas ( £2000000) tax-free and are frequently split between (14) … friends and family members, with people spending only (15) … few hundred pesetas for (16) … share of (17) … number.​

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Mass media play an important role in our present life. сми играют большую роль в нашей жизни.  mass media include the press, the television, the radio and the internet. сми включают в себя прессу,тв, радио и интернет.it has become one of the most powerful and wide branches of reality.за последнее время сми стало одним из самых мощных отраслей реальности.  . now computers are almost in each family. сейчас компьютеры есть в каждой семье.we have got used to them and we do not imagine our leisure without this miracle-machine and internet/мы привыкли пользоваться ими и уже не представляем наше времяпрепровождение без этих чудо-машин и интернета. now people cannot live a day without checking of mail and visiting their favorite sites сегодня люди не могут прожить и дня без проверки почтового ящика или их любимых сайтов.

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