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Написать письмо другу. день подарков( рождество или новый год) расспросить что он будет дарить что ему подарить что ему нравится и т.д. минимум 80 слов норма 90 слов. на языке.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Dear pen friend! i want to ask you about  winter holidays. are you love holidays as i? during the winter holidays my family celebrate new year and  cristmas. these holidays are my favourite. of course i like new year presents that my friends and parents prepare for me. are you like presents? i like read interesting books, play computer games and prepare presents for friends. happy new year and cristmas. with love your pen friend

1) i'm going to go to the theatre  2) she's going to have a rest 3) they're going to do some tasks 4) it is going to rain 5) we are going to play here 6) i'm going to drink it 7) they are going to get marriage 8) she's going to go to sleep 9) this dog is going to bite you! 10) i'm going to travel tomorrow

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