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I’d like to describe picture №1. я бы выбрала для описания картинку №1. the picture shows a girl is studying at school. картинка изображает девочку, обучающуюся в школе. she has got long fair hair and big blue eyes. she is smiling. у нее длинные светлые волосы и большие голубые глаза. она улыбается. she is wearing in a white blouse, a red and black dress and brown shoes. она одета в белую блузку, красно-черное платье и коричневые туфли. i like this picture because it is kind. мне нравится эта картинка, потому что она добрая. описать картинку номер 3

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. nobody saw him yesterday. 2. the telegram will be received tomorrow. 3. he will give me this book next week. 4. a huge plant has recently been built in this town. 5. they are looking for the girl everywhere now. 6. a friend of his has just shown me an interesting magazine. 7. your dress has not been ironed yet. 8. this letter will be received after his departure. 9. by three o'clock everything was prepared. 10. he gives my brother english lessons.

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