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1) yes / no questions (do, does) choose the correct form of the verb to do 1) you write with a pencil? 2) your father often make breakfast? 3) your teachers always check your homework? 4) you and your sister feed your pets? 5) you upload pictures? write the correct form of the verb to be (am,is,are) 1) your classroom big? 2) you from scotland? 3) your car green? 4) henry in his room? 2. ask for the underlined part ex. the students play football. ---- what do the students play? 1) john is writing a letter. is john what does writing how 2) she walks home from school. walks school what from who home 3) they are sitting in the garden. they are sitting when where 4) ann runs with her dog on sundays. with her dog? does do runs when ann run ask for the underlined part ex. the students play football. what do the students play? 1) he often cleans his car. 2) they are playing ball in the garden. in the garden? 3) she is running home. 4. выбери верный вариант ответа swim - meet - play - cut -  readed swimmed swam meeted cuted met cut watched 

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. do

2. does

3. do

4. do

5. do

1. is

2. are

3. is

4. is

what is john writing now?

who walks home from school?

were are they sitting?

when does ann ran with her dog?

what does he do often?

what are they playing in the garden?

what is she doing?

swim - swam

meet - met

play - played

cut - cut

see - saw

To rent


Популярно: Английский язык