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Дополните предложения нужной формой глагола (на все 12 форм действительного залога и модальные глаголы): 1) we … when george came to the party. a) were dancing b) danced c) have dancing d) dance 2) if you enjoy cycling you should … to the park. a) to go b) go c) going d) gone 3) hilary … all her money on souvenirs, now she can’t buy anything else. a) spends b) is spending c) has spent d) spent 4) john failed at the exam again! you … him, aren’t you his friend? a) helped b) should have helped c) should help d) are helping 5) the little girl … in the sun for an hour, it’s too long for her! a) lies b) lays c) has been lying d) is lying 6) they … go on a cruise if they have enough money. a) must b) may c) need d) can 7) we … fishing next saturday. a) shall go b) are going c) went d) gone 8) tony …a lot of mushrooms, i’ve got no idea what to do with them. a) has gathered b) gathers c) is gathering d) gathered 9) i’m very thirsty, … i have a drink? a) must b) should c) need d) may 10) if you enter his study just now he … very angry, he is busy. a) got b) has got c) will get d) gets

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Yes , i love going to the movies with her friends , and what to answer your question exactly , only that alone ?               what ? ?

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