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I. fill in: animal, burst, foster, charity, petrol, hall. 1. some abandoned animals are lucky and find a . 2. i was so upset that tears. 3. we can fill the car with fuel at . 4. tim spends his spare time helping out at the . 5. the mayor works at the

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. some abandoned animals are lucky and find a foster home.

2. i was so upset that i burst into tears.

3. we can fill the car with fuel at the petrol station.

4. tim spends his spare time helping out at the local animal shelter.

5. the mayor works at the town hall.

Бригадир - foreman военный - serviceman рабочий - workman дворник - yardman железнодорожник - railwayman звукорежиссёр - audioman полицейский - policeman почтальон - postman рыбак - fisherman - fireman foreman, businessman, serviceman,hangman,barman,salesman,odd-job man,repairman,spaceman,charwoman

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