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Раскройте скобки, употребляя пассивный залог the car (stole) yesterday. the old theater (destroy) by next year. our plans (change) after we knew some new information. different unusual things (make) every day but we don’t know about them. the car (repair) by my father right now. переделайте предложения, используя каузативную форму mark asked the worker to repair his car. a tailor made his new costume. my friends will ask someone to organize a party. his finger was shot off in the war. tony’s bicycle had been stolen.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) julia always arrives early. 2) i played basketball last summer. 3) mary has worked hard lately. 4) jenny always wears nice clothes. 5) we had lunch at 2 pm yesterday. 6) my brother is watching television now. 7) children usually like chocolate. 8) ann had finished her work by 5 o` clock yesterday. 9) it snows a lot in winter. 10) sandy will have finished her work by 5 o`clock tomorrow.1) юлия всегда приходит рано. 2) я играла в баскетбол  летом прошлого года. 3) мэри напряженно работала последнее время. 4) дженни всегда носит красивую одежду. 5) у нас был обед в 2 часа дня вчера. 6) мой брат сейчас  смотрит телевизор. 7) дети обычно любят шоколад. 8) aнна закончила свою работу в 5 часов вчера. 9)  зимой много снега. 10) санди завершит свою работу к 5 часам завтра .

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