27.02.2023 03:47
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Подобрать музыку к картине и.и.левитана "вечерний звон" (какя музыка созвучна с картиной)

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,5(57 оценок)

mark and he are thirteen years old.and they are very sportly. they often go to the gym - at least three times a week. mark does exercises to make his arms strong. he can't walk because of a car accident, so he goes everywhere in wheelchair. but it doesn't stop him doing the things that boys his age want to do.

4,7(8 оценок)

mark and his friend are thirteen years old.and they are very sporty. they often go to the gym - at least three timesa week. mark does exercises to make his arms strong.he can t walk because of a car accident, so he goes everywhere in wheelchair. but it doesn t stop him doing the things that boys our age want to do.

4,4(88 оценок)

Тоника - до доминанта - соль с-доминанта - фа

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