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Прошу.20б дополните следующие предложения: in his place – я бы научился ездить на лошади - я бы не зажигал свечей - я бы не бил детей - я бы не пил алкоголь и не курил - я бы никому не позволил себе портить жизнь

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Ответы на вопрос:

i would learn to ride a horse

i woudn't switch the candles.

i woudn't hit the kids.

i woudn't drink alcogol and smoke

i wouldn't let anyone ruin my life

My hobby is drawing. i like drawing because it gives you an oportunity to be creative. drawing also gives you an ability to think differently. when you draw you think like an artist and basic everyday things can turn into a masterpiece. its all in you. you need to feel the need to draw to be able to draw something fantasic. drawing is a great hobby because you can express your feelings through your drawings.

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