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You will be given a card which asks you to retell a short story about a particular situation. you should include your ideas while telling it. you will be given 1 minute to prepare your talk and then 1-2 minutes to speak. your classmates prepare the questions to ask you on the topic. learners take turns in retelling the stories from the cards. card 1---romanian avalanche in 2003, a british politics student named ken jones took a holiday from his studies and traveled to romania, where he wanted to scale moldoveanu peak. he almost made it to the summit when the earth shook and a pair of avalanches dumped tons of snow on top of him, trapping him helpless on the mountain. he managed to walk ten miles through the freezing cold over the next three days to a remote transylvanian village, where a local doctor saved his leg and his life. ​

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The political system of the united kingdom the united kingdom of great britain is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch. queen elizabeth ii, as head of state. the organs of government are˸ parliament, the executive and the judiciary, the legislature. parliament, is the supreme authority. it comprises two chambers — the house of lords and the house of commons — together with the queen in her constitutional role.  the executive consists of the central government — that is the prime minister and cabinet and other ministers, who are responsible for initiating and directing the national policy government departments, local authorities and public corporations. the judiciary determines common law arid interprets status and is independent of both the legislature and the executive.  the government derives its authority from the elected house of commons. a general election, for all seats in the house of commons, must be held at least every five years. the government is normally formed by the political party which is supported by the majority in the house of commons. the party’s leader is appointed prime minister by the queen and chooses a team of ministers, of whom 20-or so are in the cabinet. the second largest party becomes the official opposition with its own leader and ʼʼshadow cabinetʼʼ.  the house of commons comprises members from the constituencies in england, scotland, wales and northern ireland who represent people whose history and traditions differ. the house of lords is a hereditary chamber. in great britain there is no written constitution, only customs, traditions and precedents. 

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