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Перевод слов.wanna - was (were)-birthday-и перевод предложений на язык.моя мама вчера испекла вкусный яблочный пирог.я сегодня иду на приём к врачу.моя сестра сегодня съела 3 кусочка торта.прошу! 6 ! ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Wanna - хочу. was, were - был, были. birthday - день рождение. 1. my mother baked apple pie yesterday. 2. today, i go to the doctor. 3. my sister ate three pieces of cake.

1. The teacher told us don`t to worry about our exams 2. Chris told we can use an intern when we need some info. 3. Ban told to contact the school if we planned to go on studying. 4. Mary told that if we enjoy creative professions, we can look  some ideas up on the Internet. 5. The teacher told  that we do not be afraid to ask questions.

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