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Переписать второй абзац текста используя present simple passive и слова, служащие для описания последовательности событий например : sniffer dogs are trained in two stages. first, the dog is taught to. then, after that, finally. sniffer dogs are used by police and customs officers all over the world to detect drugs and explosives. dogs have a far better sense of smell than people because their smell receptors at the top of a dog’s nose are 100 times longer than in humanstraining for a sniffer dog lasts 12 weeks. they are trained in two stages. first, the trainer teaches the dog to recognize a particular drug or explosive. he hides a sample of the drug or explosive inside a rolled-up newspaper or a rag, which is called a training aid. he places it where the dog can see it and tells the dog to bring the aid back. when it does so, he gives the dog a reward – usually a friendly fight with a trainer or a bone.the dog soon learns to recognize the substance by its smell. the type of training aid is changed regularly but the smell always remains the same. in the second stage, the aid is hidden where the dog cannot see it. smells such as perfumes, which some smugglers use to hide the smell of the drugs, are also used so that the dog becomes familiar with them.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

sniffer dogs are trained in two stages. first, the dog is trained to recognize a particular drug or explosive. a sample of the drug or explosive is hidden inside a rolled-up newspaper or a rag, which is called a training aid. next, this aid is placed where it can be seen by the dog. then the dog is told to bring the aid back. when it does so, the dog is given a reward – usually a friendly fight with a trainer or a bone.

You should write some sentences

You should talk on english, and it improves

You should overcome your fear

You shouldn't go to that place again

You should study good and then find a job

You should find your hobby and improve it to peoples

You should take your phone with you, to call your mom if you get lost again

You should often sit home and take medications for coughs and colds

You slould talk more to people

You sould consult a doctor

You should often eat vegetables and fruits, take exercise

You should try not to be aggressive

You should contact specialists

You should wake up early

You should often eat vegetables and fruits, take exercise

You should study well and then go to college for your dream job

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