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Напишите письмо о празднике по плану. , нужно. writing (a letter about holiday) you have received a letter from your english pen friend, peter. i hope you are having a great holiday. where are you staying? what is the weather like? what did you do yesterday and whatare your plans for today?
write peter a letter and answer his questions. write 80-100 words. follow the plan. dear , para 1: opening remarks? where you are, where you are staying, the weather, how you like it (how are you? i'm . the weather .) para 2: activites you did yesterday (include a bad experience you had),
what you are planning to do today (yesterday ./ unfortunately, . today we are going .) para 3: plans for the next day ( tomorrow we're going to .) para 4: closing remarks, you are coming back, when (well, i must go now. we're . see .)

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