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Переделайте общие вопросы в придаточные предложения.образец: do you write valentines to you friends? harry wants to know if ted writes valentines to his friends.1. do you parents give you chocolate eggs at easter? 2. are you interested in russia festivals? 3. have you got any pets? 4. does your
mother usually make a christmas cake? 5. do you prepare any gifts for your parents on holidays? ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

hi debbie!

how are you?

how is your learning at school?  

in a few days it will be holidays) what do you want to do on holidays? where will you be? are you waiting this holidays? our class is waiting this holidays very much) i hope it will be the greatest holidays of this summer)

with love..

Популярно: Английский язык