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Сomplete the sentence1. what are you looking…a) atb) onc) for2. we come…a beautiful chinese vase at the supermarket а) into b) across c) down4. trump the montenegrin prime minister in front of others а) down b) up c) off3. if you don’t keep… training you’ll lose the championship а) back b) down c)
on5. what sentence is a statement. chose the right variant a) put on your coat. it’s cold b) so that’s my number, so call me maybe? c) she has a good influence on me10. a) does he have any time for hobbies? b) he has any time for hobbies? c) do he have any time for hobbies? 11. a) he built this
house why? b) why he built this house? c) why did he build this house? iv. chose the right word in the following sentence12. the play was… really enjoyed by the a) spectators b) crowd c) audience13. it was in bob’s ….to go jogging in the morning a) habit b) tradition c) custom14. don’t forget to …
your teeth a) sweep b) clean c) brushwhat nouns have the article the 1) rivers lakes 2) months, day of the week 3) groups of island 4) names 5) unique objects 6) streets, parks a) 3,4,6; b) 1,3,5; c) 1,3, 5.v. give the correct answer16. what ocean washes the state of new york? a) the atlantic
ocean b) the pacific ocean c) the arctic ocean17. who was the first american president? a) jefferson b) lincoln c) washington18. what is on the national flag of wales? a) shamrock b) garlic c) dragon19. find the definition of the word foreigner? a) a newcomer b) a native c) a person related to
the other country20. which of this persons becomes your relative after your marriage a) cousin b) brother-in law c) stepmother21. what do you eat at the end of a meal? a) desert b) dessert c) finish22. which of the following is a mammal? a) a bird b) a snake c) a whale28. no man is an island a)
одна голова –хорошо, две - лучше b) один в поле не воин c) коль взялся за гуж, не говори, что не дюж29. birds of a feather flock together a) рыбак рыбака видит издалека b) у всякой пташки свои замашки c) птица высокого полёта30. practice makes perfect a) наука учит умного b) век живи ˗ век учись c)
повторение ˗ мать учения это олимпиада 10-11 !

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Halloween is celebrated on the last day of october.  it came from ireland were the celts  lived. people dress up like monsters.  they decorate their houses with pumpkins and other spooky things. children go from house to house and say "trick of treats".  if people give them sweets, they walk away, if not they play trick on them like throwing   the main symbol of halloween is jack-o lantern. it is made of pumpkin.  it shines through the eye holes. on halloween night people play traditional games like getting an apple from a barrel with water  without using hands.  another game is to find a coin in a bowl full of (здесь я уже не знаю, поищи сам, sorry) . halloween parties are usually of great fun, especially for children.

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