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1. change the sentences according to the model model: they speak english well. he speaks english well. 1. they do their shopping every day. (she) 2. they eat porridge every morning (my sister) 3. my neighbours work in moscow, they go there by train (my mother) 4. the children play all day long (my
cousin) 5. my sisters like grapes but do not like plums (my friend) 6. both friends generally go to the theatre twice a month (he) 7. they attend students club every week (he) 8. students go to the university by metro (she) 2. make up negative and interrogative forms model: he wakes up early. he
doesn’t wake up early. does he wake up early? 1. we eat our breakfast in a hurry. 2. he spends his vocation in the crimea every year. 3. my house is near the corner. 4. she uses her glasses for reading. 5. he wants to see our new house. 6. she understands french and italian well. 7. they open all
the windows when they go away. 8. i live two houses from here. 3. put questions to the following sentences 1. i do it without anybody’s help. 2. he often lags behind his group because he misses a lot of classes. 3. generally she goes to work by bus. 4. when we fall ill we send for a doctor. 5. he
always makes mistakes. 6. the trees grow very well here. 7. my dinner consists of three dishes. 8. old ladies like to sit by fire. 9. this artist paints well. 10.there is a bookcase in his study.

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Ответы на вопрос:

получить доверие очень не просто как может показаться на первый взгляд. чтобы получить доверие от человека, ты сам должен начать доверять ему. и не рассказывать то что он тебя просил.

что бы быть таким человеком нужно просто уметь не говорить других секреты(или свои)

я бы не очень хотела пойти с собой на разведку.

люди в нём чувствуют дабрату и ласку.

я бы хотела чтобы мне доверяли и я доверяла им.

(ну как-то так)

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