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Сязыком (условные предложения) open the brackets 1) if i (not/to be) too busy,i (go) to the concert. 2) if i (to live) in brazil,i (to watch) carnival every year. 3) if i (to be) you. i (to buy) this car. 4) if you (to be) a poet, you (to become) famous. 5) if mum(to come) home early,she (to make)
a tasty pizza. 6) if you (to ring) me up, i (to tell) a secret. 7) if you (not to read) so much,he (not to know) english literature. 8) if these shoes (not to be) too expensive for me, i (to buy) them. 9) if he (to be) free tomorrow, he certainly (to come) to our party. 10) if you (to speak) english
every day, you (to improve) your language skills.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. if you want to know the cast, you have to buy the program from the ticket collector.2. how do i get to the pastry department? – he's on the ground floor, to the right of the entrance.3. – could you show me a green dress from the shop window? – what size do you wear? – i wear "m". i'm afraid that it will be big is "l". – sorry, i really like its fit and color.4. i went to the theatre box office to buy tickets for "the nutcracker" ballet, but found out that all tickets are sold. i should have gone for tickets at least two days ago.5. – excuse me, could you help me? i want to see these rings. – what size do you wear? 6. my brother is married and has two children, that is, i have a nephew and niece. – do you have nephews? i didn't know about it.7. – you are going to pay by cash or credit card? – in cash. 8. we ran out of sugar and coffee. you can do this on the way home to go to the grocery store and buy these products? of course i can.9. we had to stand for two and a half hours in a queue to get into the theater. therefore, when we say that people these days want to only watch tv, that's not true.10. to avoid unnecessary costs in the supermarket, it is advisable to always make a list of products.11. – could you show me a white skirt in the shop window? – what size do you wear? – i wear "m". – i'm afraid it will be big is "l". – sorry, i really like her cut and color.12. – do not you like action movies? – i can't stand them because of special effects and numerous chases.13. in your town there are sights? – of course, my city is very old, its history begins in the 17th century. there are ancient churches, castles, monuments that you can visit and see. 14. have you bought tickets to the premiere of this performance? and you said that all tickets are already sold out! 15. – the other day i bought a fancy dress. and yesterday went to the mall and bought shoes for him. you shouldn't have bought those shoes, they are no longer fashionable. and what's more, in my opinion, they don't fit your dress style.16.we ran out of sugar and tea. you can do this on the way home to go to the grocery store and buy these products? of course i can.17. life in the city has a number of advantages, such as comfortable homes with modern facilities, a variety of leisure facilities: cinemas, theatres, stadiums. you can also find a good job.18. last summer we spent a holiday in a camping on the sea. a five minute walk from our trailer was a sandy beach. we didn't have to spend a lot of time to get there. 19. has he invited you to the theatre? i thought he doesn't like going to the theatre. – as a rule, dislikes. but this is a premiere! 20. – the other day i bought a summer suit. and yesterday went to the mall and bought shoes for him. you shouldn't have bought those shoes, they are no longer fashionable. and what's more, in my opinion, they don't fit to your suit.21. life in a small village has a number of advantages, for example, fresh air, silence, a few people. you can also enjoy nature, you don't need to hurry.22. – i heard you was camping. you had to bring a tent? – no, we went to my trailer where we lived.23. sightseeing of the capital, we could not climb on the sparrow hills. it had a magnificent view of the entire city.

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