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1dogs are (friendly) than cats. 2 dolphins are (intelligent) animals of all. 3 giraffes have got (long) legs than elephants. 4 parrots are (colourful) birds of all. 5 cheetahs are (fast) of all land animals. 6 horses are (big) than goats. 7 dogs make (good) pets of all. 8 elephants are (heavy) than goats.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. more friendly

2. most intelligent

3. longer

4. most colourful

5. faster

6. bigger

7.the best

8. heavier

Wɒt  ˈwɛðə!   baɪ  ˈænʤələ-fletcher  ðə  liːvz  ɑː  ˈbləʊɪŋ  əˈweɪ  ʌp,  ʌp,  ænd  əˈweɪ  ðeɪ  gəʊ.  swɪʃ,  swɪʃ,  ðeɪ  gəʊ.  laɪk  ə ˈdɑːnsɪŋ  ˌbæləˈriːnə  ʌp, ʌp  ænd  əˈweɪ  ðeɪ  gəʊ  weɪ  ʌp , ɪn  ðə  skaɪ.  ðə  triːz  ɑː  ˈstændɪŋ  ðeə  ðeə  ˈbrɑːnʧɪz  ɔːl  beə.  ðə  wɪnd  ɪz  ˈgɛtɪŋ  ˈlaʊdə,  wɒts  ðə  ˈwɛðə  laɪk  təˈdeɪ?

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