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29 за перевод. 1 на картине есть шкаф. в шкафу полки. но на полках нет белья. где белье? 2 мы должны кое-что делать в школе ? девочки должны носить юбки. мальчики должны носить брюки. завучь должна приходить в школу в 7: 00. а что должен ты ? 3 я заинтересован в музыке 4 оля гордится тобой 5
я люблю биологию. я хороша в ней 6 я на тебя зол 7 нам скучен баскетбол. давайте поиграем в некоторые другие игры .

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the picture has a wardrobe. in the closet shelves. but there is no linen on the shelves. where is the laundry? 2. do we have to do something at school? girls should wear skirts. boys should wear pants. the head teacher should come to school at 7: 00. and what should you? 3. i am interested in
music4. olya is proud of you5. i love biology. i'm good at her6. i'm angry at you7. we are bored with basketball. let's play some other games.

1 the picture has a wardrobe. in the closet shelves. but there is no linen on the shelves. where is the laundry?

2 do we have to do something at school? girls should wear skirts. boys should wear pants. the head teacher should come to school at 7: 00. and what should you?

3 i am
interested in music

4 olya is proud of you

5 i love biology. i'm good at her

6 i'm angry at you

7 we are bored with basketball. let's play some other games.

there are some arguments between teachers and pupils about producing school magazines. some of them think that it's usefull when the others believe that it's waste of time.

in my opinion some school papers are useless because they don't attract readers' attention that's why pupils rarely read them. moreover making school papers often takes a lot of students' free time.

but on the other hand school papers can sometimes be interesting. if a theme of magazine is exciting students will read it.

school magazines can be very usefull. for example students making paper about harmful habits may understand all the harm of drugs, smoking and alchogol and tell it to their friends.

some papers can broaden horizonts. pupils can write and draw   some exciting facts and wonders.

but all in all i want to say that paper will be interesting for teachers and pupils if the author made it with soul. it will broaden their horizonts and open the wonderful world of

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