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Нужна , , the cannes film festival is one of the most famous film festivals in the world. it /organise) in 1946 and ) annually ever since. for around twelve days in may every year, yhe quiet seaside town of cannes ) into a glamorous centre for world cinema. in fact, the cannes film festival is so
famous that film careers /make) or ruined there! cannes film festival ) by over 200,000 people every year, including producers, directors, film stars, celebrities , journalists and film fans. during the festival, hundreds of films ) and the best films and actors ) awards. the most important award )
the palme d'or or golden palm. it ) at the festival's closing ceremony to the makers of the best film. since its beginnings , some of the most wonderful films in film history ) at cannes. and there is little doubt that many more ) there in the future!

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the cannes film festival is one of the most famous film festivals in the world. it 1) (was first/organised) in 1946 and 2) (has been held) annually ever since. for around twelve days in may every year, the quiet seaside town of cannes 3) (is transformed) into a glamorous centre for world cinema.
in fact, the cannes film festival is so famous that film careers 4) (are often/made) or ruined there! cannes film festival 5) (is attended) by over 200,000 people every year, including producers, directors, film stars, celebrities, journalists and film fans. during the festival, hundreds of films
6) are (screened) and the best films and actors 7) are (given) awards. the most important award 8) is (called) the palme d'or or golden palm. it 9) is (presented) at the festival's closing ceremony to the makers of the best film. since its beginning, some of the most wonderful films in film history
10) have been (discovered) at cannes. and there is little doubt that many more 11) will be (shown) there in the future!

Если нужно перевести то 1. подвергая некоторым кристаллическим материалам давление, пьер кюри заметил, что они произвели электрический заряд. 2. проверив новое оборудование, они согласились подписать контракт. 3. инженер, проверяющий устройство, комитет приходит, чтобы увидеть его работу

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