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Написать сочинение на по внешности арианы гранде

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моя любимая певица-ариа́на гра́нде.

ариана гранде— американская актриса кино, телевидения и озвучивания, певица, композитор, автор песен и фотомодель.гранде родилась в городке бока-ратон, во флориде, в семье джоан гранде.в 2009 году ариана прошла кастинг на канале и получила роль в кино.
ариана записывала свой дебютный альбом на протяжении трёх лет — с августа 2010 по июнь 2013 года.

my favorite singer-ariána gránde. ariana grande is an american actress of film, television and voice-over, singer, songwriter and model. grande was born in the town of boca raton,
florida, in the family of joan grande. 2009 year ariana casting took place in the channel and landed the role in the movie. ariana recorded their debut album for three years, from august 2010 through june 2013 year.

1) Sally said that she was going to go to Kenya.

2) Little Anthony said that he took his sister to school every day.

3) Nonna said that I might take her textbook.

4) Nick said that they were playing in the gym then.

5) Mary said that she didn't like chocolate.

6) Helen said that her sister was ready to go.

7) The girl said that her mother usually went shopping on Saturday.

8) The teacher said that the birds built their nests among the trees.

9) Jimmy said that he wasn't married.

10) Petra said that she couldn't read those books and she didn't like them.

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