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Подчеркните правильную форму глагола. 1. fiona makes / is making a snowman at the moment. 2. helen and tom are watching / watch tv now. 3. what time do you usually do / are you usually doing your homework? 4. on sundays we usually stay / are staying at home. 5. tim doesn’t watch / isn’t watching tv
now. 6. dan doesn’t like / isn’t liking my new flat. 15 .

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 is making

2 are watching

3 do

4 usually stay

5 watch

6 like


АнонимАнглийский язык14 августа 18:35

10 предложений с Passive Voice

ответ или решение1

Владимир Лаврентьев

1. This castle was built by my parents. — Этот замок был построен моими родителями.

2. The sentence was written by my son. — Предложение было написано моим сыном.

3. The house was being cleaned the whole day. — Дом убирали целый день.

4. I was presented this vase my last birthday. — Мне подарили эту вазу на мой день рождения.

5. Mike has been taken to the school. — Майка отвезли в школу.

6. Christmas is celebrated by Christians all over the world. — Рождество празднуют христиане по всему миру.

7. The cake has been cooked by my grandmother. — Торт был приготовлен моей бабушкой.

Популярно: Английский язык