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Завтра надо сдать dogs , завтра надо сдать dogs a) don't allowed b) aren't allowed into the shop. c) isn't allowed d) wasn't allowed 2. this juice is made a) of b) from _fresh oranges. c) on d) with 3. we a) used to b) used to be friends. c) got used to d) used 4. the man a) who b) which is staying
at the bus stop is my neighbor. c) what d) whose 5. the document a) was signed b) signed by the president of company. e) sign 15) were signed 6. my mother goes to the market a) bought b) buying c) buy d) to buy fresh vegetables. 7. the monument is made a) of b) from stonc. c) оп d) with 8. recently
have bought a a) leather german white modern b) gorman modern white leather sofa. c) white leather german modem d) modern white german leather 9. mr. white is a) enough b) too busy to answer your questions right now. c) to d) also 10. you didn't tell me the truth! you a) lay b) isid c) lain d) lied
lo me! 11, my cousin. a) had been living b) liyed in london for seven years before she moved to moscow. c) is living d) lives 12. his wife is in depression. she a) muy b) can c) musi d) had have quarreled with her husband again.

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Во время недавнего отпуска вы с группой друзей отправились на обзорную автобусную экскурсию. Вы были очень недовольны этим опытом. Напишите письмо в компанию, объясняя, почему вы недовольны, и предложите с которых тур может быть улучшен.

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