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Fill in: shall, will or be going to 1. a: what do you want for lunch? b: i think i will have chiken and some salad.(пример) 2. a: josh has come back from england. b: i know. i see him later today 3. a: costas and i get married in april. b: really? congratulations! 4. a: we meet on
sunday? b: sorry, but my aunt. she is expecting me. 5. a: is dave coming to the party? b: yes, but be late. 6. a: have you decided where to go on holiday? b: yes, around europe. look at the pictures and fill in the gaps with the verbs from the list in the present continuous, the future
simple(will), the present simple or be going to. eat buy have start see be 1. i hope i'll be on time for the meeting (пример) 2. the film in twenty minutes. 3. it's lovely it 4. annie some cake 5. they a party for their 50th anniversary next sunday. 6. ok, mum. i you at home, then. put the
verbs in brackets into the present simple, the present continuous, be going to or will gary: what are you planning(plan) (пример) to do after the /stay) in london? angela: no, ) this weekend. i )nmy brother in wales. what about you? gary: i ) of getting a part-time job. i (want) to buy a new
electric guitar. angela: oh, so /be) still with your band? gary: yes, in fact, we ) at sam's place this friday. can you come? angela: of course. my /leave) until 8 pm on saturday so i (have) plenty of time pack. gary: great! angela: is it ok if i ) a friend? gary: of course. invite as
many people as you like. angela: thanks. i ) you there. put the verbs in brackets into the present simple, the present continuous, be going to or will 1. a: i am seeing(see) jim at 8 o'clock tonight.(пример) b: really? i thoudht he was away on a business trip. 2. a: would you like something
to drink? b: ) a glass of orange juice, please. 3. a: what bus/leave) b: in half an hour. 4. a: i don't understand this exercise, dad. b: ok, peter i (help) you. 5. a: have you decided what to get jim for his birthday? b: yes. ) him a watch. 6. a: ) to the cinema. there's a new film on.
would you like to come? b: what film/start)? 7. a: look at that car! b: oh no! it ) the lamppost! 8. a: the ting ) a concert at wembley stadium. b: i know. i have already bought a ticket.

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Ответы на вопрос:

No dogs don't eat corn  или yes dogs eat corn. no rabbits don't like a meat / yes rabbits like meat. no, dogs aren't brave / yes, dogs are brave. no crocodiles aren't strong / yes crocodiles are strong. no dogs don't drink a milk / yes dogs drink a milk. no i'm can't teach a pig to fly. no crocodiles don't live in the park / yes crocodiles live in the park. no pigs aren't clean. yes we must help to animals.

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