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Можете с . present simple.выберите правильный вариант ответа choose the correct variant: 1. the child go to school every day. will goes go goes 2. his father takes him there in his car. take takes taken carries 3. she always has lunch at school. takes have has 4. richard’s life in paris is a bit
difficult. he understands only english. understands doesn’t understand doesn’t know knows 5. what’s the matter? you look very sad. look looks 6. liz is very good at tennis. she won every game. gets won wins is 7. winter is warm here. it very seldom. but sometimes it rain, snows snows, rains snow,
rain rains, snow 8. helen is on a diet. she very little. doesn’t eat eats ate 9. he in a hurry. is be doesn’t be 10. the exams at school in june. have start starts 11. linda and i for a company, which cars. works, produces work, produces work, produce 12. i work at ten o’clock, and linda to
the office at nine. start, comes start, goes start, come 13. she at typing, she letters and reports every day. be good, writes is good, make is good, writes 14. i sometimes my friend translate letters, as i french rather well. help, don’t know don’t help, know help, knew help, know 15. the
secretary the phone calls, sometimes she visitors around the factory. answer, show don’t answer, shows answers, shows 16. she her job. she to be a secretary. isn’t liked, wants doesn’t like, wants don’t like, want 17. helen often meetings for her boss and other managers of the company. don’t
arrange arrange arranges 18. they to going to bed late at night. are not accustomed don’t accustomed accustom 19. nelly tv three times a week. likes don’t watch watches 20. you where your brother ? do know, is do know, was are know, is

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David is having the doctor examine his health

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