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Написати твір you have got a letter from your pen friend in which he/she writes that he/she wants to find some work after school while his/her parents insist on his/her going to university. write an answer to him/her in which you • say what you think about his/her decision and explain why • give
your friend some advice on to behave in this situation • tell him/her what you are going to do after school

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Ответы на вопрос:

Walk in well-lit areas. (ходи по хорошо освещенным улицам) always keep your mobile phone with you. (держи мобильный телефон при себе) don't put your wallet into your back pocket. (не клади кошелек в задний карман) keep your money close to you and don't carry a lot of cash. (держи деньги при себе и не бери с собой много наличности) don't talk with strangers in the street. (не разговаривай с незнакомцами на улице)

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