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in 1677-1699 v. v. atlasov's expedition to kamchatka took place. the travelers explored in detail the nature and population of the peninsula. soon, the kamchatka peninsula became part of russia. in 1711-1713 the study of the kuril islands began. russian researchers first learned about japan. the study of the vast territories of the far east was a laborious, complex and long-term

conclusion vladimir atlasov's campaign to kamchatka (1697-1699) completed the russian geographical discoveries of the xyii century in siberia and the far east.

none of the siberian explorers of the xyii-early xyiii centuries. does not give as much information and such meaningful reports as semi-literate yakut cossack vladimir atlasov, which many decades later with great respect academician ls berg wrote: "atlasov is a person quite exceptional. a man of little education, he had at the same time a remarkable mind and great powers of observation, and his

4,8(43 оценок)


in the years 1677-1699. the expedition of v.v. atlasova in kamchatka. travelers examined in detail the nature and population of the peninsula. kamchatka soon became part of russia. in the years 1711-1713. the study of the kuril islands began. russian researchers first learned about japan. exploration of vast territories was a laborious, complex and long-term process

conclusion the campaign of vladimir atlasov to kamchatka (1697-1699). completed russian geographical discoveries of the xyii century. in siberia and the far east.

none of the siberian explorers of the xyii-early xyiii centuries. vladimir atlas, about which many decades later, with great respect, academician l.s. berg wrote: “atlas is an absolutely exceptional personality. he is poorly educated, and at the same time he possessed a remarkable mind and great observation, and his testimonies


4,4(29 оценок)

1)революция 1905-1907. эта революция проходила под лозунгом "кровавое воскресенье."

2) к.с.станиславский, в.и.немирович-данченко, в.э. мейерхольд.

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