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Task 1. translate the words in the picture to know how you can describe a place. file: ///c: /users/makim/pictures/saved%20pictures/c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c20170915-3227-1oaii6220170915-3227-1y1gk4q.jpg task 2. put the words into the right order to make questions in the past simple. 1) did /
by train / last time / you / travel? 2) visit / you / your grandparents / yesterday / did? 3) wait / did / at the airport / we? 4) he / did / the film / enjoy? 5) finish / did / homework / you / when / your?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Девушка с мужем принесла блузку в ателье чтобы подогнать её под себя. рядом был магазин одежды, где продовался костюм. они с мужем зашли туда, что бы скоротать время. муж пошел в примерочную, а жена стала ждать его снаружи. вдруг пошел дождь.чтобы остаться , муж и жена решили переждать в магазине.жесткие капли падали на асфальт. но вот, дождь закончился, но они потеряли немного времени.потом жена забрала свою блузку и теперь она будет одета по последней моде. girl with her husband brought in the atelier blouse to fit her. nearby was a clothing store, where prodovalsâ costume. she and her husband had gone there that would pass the time. my husband went into the fitting, and the wife was the wait for him outside. suddenly it started raining. to stay dry, the husband and wife decided to wait it out in the store. hard drops falling on the asphalt. but now, the rain is over, but they lost a bit of time. then the wife took her blouse and now she is dressed in the latest fashion.

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