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5вставьте пропущенные слова. некоторые слова лишние. designing, artistic, still, portray, starring, stunts, remain, private, set, miniature, plot, spray. 1.no one knows the author’s name, as he chooses to . 2.mike absolutely loves adventure films which are medieval times. 3.the children had to
sit perfectly the photographer was taking their picture. 4.some hollywood actors like to perform their own no matter how dangerous these are. 5.the artist’s are so small that they fit on the top of a pinhead. 6.most of his paintings from the town where he has grew up. 7.you can’t draw graffiti
on that man’s house, it’s . 8.children often express their through finger painting and drawing. 9. ann loves crime novels because they always have mysterious and interesting

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. plot

2. remain

3. miniature

4. stunts

5. portray

6. set

7. private

8. designing


1. i have just eaten a sandwich 2. he has just cleaned his car 3. they have just bought a new house 4. we have just arrived home 5. mum has just made lunch 6. you have just received your pocket money.

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