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Разгадайте кроссворд.1. the greek historian herodotus made a list of the most extraordinary structures in the букв)2. mausolus''s name is now associated with all stately tombs through our modern word букв)3. bernardino weber wanted people to vote for the wonders of the world (6 букв)4. a statue
can be erected on an elevated букв)5. the first to the goddess artemis was probably built around 800 b.c. on a marshy strip near the river at ephesus. (6 букв)6. it is necessary to protect and the ancient buildings and monuments. (7 букв)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) he is just pulling your leg a littke/он просто слегка пошутил 2) haley have put my foot down/хейли приняла твердое решение 3) please keep your fingers crossed that i will pass my exam/, скрести за меня пальцы, чтобы я сдала экзамен 4) she lost her head a long time ago/она уже давно потеряла голову(ну тип сошла с ума) 5) his heart starts racing, his hair stands on end/его сердце начинает учащенно биться, (можно не говорить в переводе его(his)) волосы встают дыбом6) kate, give me a hand, please/кейт, мне,

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