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3 circle the correct item. 1) the boat was moving quiet/quietly along the river. 2) the manager gave some brief/briefly instructions and the staff made the notes careful/carefully. 3) jim was offended and spoke to me in an angry/angrily voice. 4) this perfume has a nice/nicely smell. 5) the
children were sitting comfortable/comfortably near the fireplace listening to an exciting/excitingly story. 6) my mother cooks good/well. 7) little kate was looking happy/happily at the presents under the new year tree. 8) i didn’t expect you would behave so bad/badly. 9) the air is so
fresh/freshly in the morning. 10) he was writing something busy/busily at his table.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Напишите маленькое дружеское письмо вашему другу, и расскажите о вашей поездке на новый год. используйте выражения ниже и поставьте их на правильные места: затем, я думаю, своим друзьям по электронной почте, я рад, первый, лучшие пожелание, вступление, поздравляю, дата.

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