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Только 2,выберите правильную форму глагола:       i.      1.terry … my car when he had the accident. a)was driving; b)drives; c)is driving; d)drove.                    2.tomorrow at this time, i … classes. 
a)will have attended; b)will have been attending;                     c)will attend, d)will be attending. 3.i … here for two years. a)lived; b)have lived; c)had                       
lived; d)was living.    ii.      1.it is midnight. i … for five hours. a)was studying; b)am studying; c)studied; d)have been                    studying. 2.jenny … school in1999. a)leaves, b)has left, c)left, d)was
left.  3.every morning                      the sun … in my bedroom window and … me up. a)is shining, is waking; b)is shining,                      wakes; c)shines, wakes;
d)shines, is waking.  iii.      1.she … the film on tv before she read the book. a)saw, b)sees, c)has seen, d)had seen.                          2.after three days of rain, i’m glad that the sun … again today.
a)shining, b)is shining,                            c)shines, d)shone. 3.they … each other since 1998.  a)know, b)knew, c)have known,                         
d)had known.  3.  выберите правильную форму глагола:       i.      1.french … in belgium. a)is speaking, b)is spoken, c)speaks, d)spoke. 2.children … by                    special instructor how to swim.
a)have taught, b)had taught, c)are taught, d) teach.     ii.      1.the statue of liberty … to the americans by the french. a)gave, b)gives, c)was given,                      d)has given. 2.yesterday a student trip to
the planetarium … by mrs. hunt. a)was                      organized, b)organized, c)had organized, d)is organized.  iii.      1.my friend … by the police. a)interviewed, b)has interviewed, c)will interview, d)was 
                      interviewed. 2.tomorrow john … by mary at the party. a)will help, b)will be helped, c)has                          helped, d)helps.   4. 
выберите один правильный вариант:       i.      1.christmas customs … the same around the world. a)not, b)don’t, c)isn’t, d)aren’t. 2.my                    sister doesn’t like rock music, and i don’t like it …
.  a)neither, b)either, c)too, d)also.    ii.      1.my brother … like to go to school. a)not, b)don’t, c)doesn’t, d)hasn’t.  2.they … nothing                      about it. a)hadn’t know, b)didn’t know,
c)don’t know, d)knew.    iii.    1.mary … to study yesterday.  a)hadn’t, b)didn’t have, c)doesn’t have, d)hadn’t have.                      2.until yesterday i … her. a)hadn’t seen, b)didn’t see, c)didn’t saw,
d)hadn’t saw.   5. определите: i. вопросительное предложение:           1.when it is cold people wear warm clothes; 2.what a nice person she is; 3.would you like            some ice-cream; 4.what’s worrying me now is her health. 
ii. правильное начало:             1. … do you play tennis? – about once a week. a)how often, b)how long, c)how many,                d)how much.iii. правильный конец:           1.ann had to go to
school. a)did she? b)had she? c)hadn’t she? d)didn’t she?   6. выберите соответствующую форму глагола:   i.        1.charlie didn’t know what ann … doing. a)is, b)has, c)was, d)would. 2.did you think you                 
    … to classes on time that day? a)will come, b)would come, c)come, d)had come.     ii.      1.they expected him … at 7 o’clock. a)coming, b)come, c)came, d)to come. 2.i’d like your                     
friend … us. a)join, b)to join, c)joining, d)join to.    iii. 1.if she … exams, we are going to take a long holiday. a)pass, b)will pass, c)passing,                    d)passes. 2.the new in the newspaper … surprising. a)is, b)are, c)has,

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Lucy pretended to give the answer to my question.

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