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Замените выделенные курсивом слова в скобках их эк¬ вивалентами. 1. being the oldest form of business, (единоличная форма собственности) is the main form of(собственности) in farming, building, repairing work and(личных услугах) such as hairdressing, selling retail estate, etc.(владелец) provides complete control over the business, its loans, capital and policies. 2.the lawyers of the corporation are supposed (лично ответственны за деятельность) of the corporation. they may be (запрещено) to practice law if they (не сумеют) to represent their clients prop¬ erly. 3.the establishment of a company's subsidiary (дочерняя компания) in another country has both (преимущества) and(недостатки). the latter result from (двойного налогообложения) of the compa¬ ny's income in each country, that is, at home and abroad. it is(желательно) for the countries developing trade relations to sign (соглашения, запрещающие двойное налогообложение) of the same income. 4.(неудача) of advertising campaign resulted in low sales figures of the new product. 5.to run a business properly one should (нанять на работу) a profes¬ sional manager. 6.if the owner of the (товарищества уходит в отставку)or serious disagreement between the (партнерами)takes place, it usually leads to (ликвидации компании). 7.(ограниченная ответственность) of the shareholders is sure to be one of the major benefits of any corporation.

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Box- boxes ,  boy - boys , classes , cities , familys,  keys , knives  ,  lifes , wifes , mans , womans ,    teeth , children , sheeps , shoe , country , heroes .

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