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Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в соответствующей форме. обратите внимание на то, что в двух случаях предложения содержат независимый причастный оборот. a nation (to have) its own set of assets and liabilities, a national balance sheet(to be) not simply the sum of the balance sheets of individuals and firms. a nation's assets also(to consist) of national capital. such public buildings as public libraries, royal palaces and government offices(to know) (to belong) to the national capital. publicly(to own) parts of the transportation infrastruc¬ ture or certain natural assets, such as raw material deposits or natural forests (to consider) (to be) national capital as well. these items (may not) (to include)in the balance sheet of any other entity (юридический субъект). econo¬ mists also (to argue)that since the most important asset of a nation (to be)its labour force, it (should) (to include)in the balance sheet in some way. both obligations and liabilities between firms and individuals in the same country (to cancel out)(нейтрализовать, ) each other, as one per¬ son's liability to pay (to be)another person's asset. it is known that practically every nation (to own)either physical or financial assets abroad, foreigners (to own)physical or financial capital within a nation. the accounting of a na¬ tion's wealth, therefore, (should) (to take)into account net liabilities to the citizens, firms and governments of other countries.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. общий вопрос do your parents love to travel in beautiful and unusual places? 2. специальный вопрос where do your parents love to travel? 3. альтернативный вопрос do your parents love to travel in beautiful or unusual places? 4. разделительный вопрос your parents love to travel in beautiful and unusual places, don't they? 5. вопрос к подлежащему who loves to travel in beautiful and unusual places?

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