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Соединить два предложения при фраз и союзов используйте разные фразы и союзы в каждом ! при необходимости можно менять предложения местами. join the sentences to make clauses using appropriate words\phrases (on the other hand, nevertheless, even though, though, although, but, in spite of, despite, however, while\whereas, yet, still, despite\in spite of the fact that) and translate the sentences. (соединить два предложения при фраз и союзов) используйте разные фразы и союзы в каждом ! при необходимости можно менять предложения местами. example: i don’t like broccoli. i eat it because my mother cooks it very well. – although i don’t like broccoli, i eat it because my mother cooks it very well. (хотя я не люблю брокколи, я ем брокколи, т.к. моя мама готовить хорошо) \in spite of the fact that i don’t like broccoli, i eat it because my mother cooks it very well. (несмотря на тот факт, что я не люблю брокколи, я … 1. some students don’t get ready for tests. they get good marks. 2. modern technologies make our life easier. they make young people addicted to them. 3. i was very tired. i had to cook supper for the family. 4. there was a strong wind yesterday. the local airport didn’t stop working. 5. my friend sam doesn’t like crowds of people around him. he is always in the thick of things. 6. i’ve got used to travelling by plane. i consider train to be the most comfortable way of travelling. 7. we got to the health-resort by the beginning of the season. there were no spare rooms in the hotels. 8. last sunday it was very frosty and windy. i met my friends and we had a long walk. 9. you know, i haven’t worked hard in the office. i have managed to get a high position in the company. 10. i don’t trust you. you’re very convincing.

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Ответы на вопрос:

союз although используется для выражения противопоставления или контраста. переводится на язык: хотя, не смотря на.  

although обычно ставится в начале или в середине предложения, а за ним следуют подлежащее и сказуемое.


  примеры предложений

although the traffic was bad, we were only 5 minutes late. хотя дорожное движение было плохим, мы опоздали всего на 5 минут.

although he’s very tall, he wasn’t accepted into basketball team. хотя он высокий, его не приняли в баскетбольную команду.

although there was a lot of noise in the flat, i fell asleep immediately. хотя в квартире было много шума, я уснул сразу же.

the trip was very boring, although it was well-organized. поездка была скучной, хотя и была хорошо организована.

There are three rooms in my flat.it is a kitchen ,bedroom,living room.there are in the living room tv ,armchair ,table ,and computer

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