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Артикли the a(an)fill in correct articles a (an), the, or -.…..edinburgh festival is …. annual event. it is …largest art festival in ….world. it consists of at least …..six different festivals which take place in …. city and last for almost ….six weeks in …august and ….. early september. ….most popular festival is …. fringe, which has up to 500 ….. daily performances in ….dance, ….music, ….drama and ….comedy in 180 …places across … city.….. spring festival or ……chinese new year is …. biggest traditional festival in …china. it has been celebrated for about 4,000 years, and takes place ….every year at some point between 21st of …january and 20th of …february. on …day before …festival starts, ….. people from all over …china return to their ….family homes and gather for …. big meal. …. next day many people dress up and …. children receive money from …. parents in …..red envelopes to bring them …luck. another popular custom is to put ….two-line poem on …gates outside each home

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Ответы на вопрос:

1-it is in the court? 2-where is papa? '3-where were you yesterday? 4-my books are on the столе.где are they now? 5-my mom yesterday was not the работе.она was дома.6-my friend is in the park it in школе.7-morrow at three o'clock kohl and misha will be in дворе.8-we were not in the south of the past летом.мы were in москве.9-they were not in kino.10-they are not in школе.11-they дома.12 " you were in the park yesterday? 13-he was at school yesterday? 14-he was рабочим.15-she was a teacher

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