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Раскройте скобки, поставив модальный глагол в нужную форму. 1. i’m sure she (can) play the piano. 2. (may) i come in? 3. you are so tired. you (should) go to sleep. 4. she (must) take three pills a day. 5. unfortunately, we (must) stay at home tomorrow. 6. when i was a child, i (can) swim very fast. 7. yesterday we (must) be at the conference but we (can) come. 8. my daddy said that i (may) go for a walk. 9. i hope next summer i (can) visit london. 10. (can) i help you?

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Ответы на вопрос:

mom's name is olesya, dad dima. d ad works in a factory.   i have a sister anya. t his grandma irina, this is yura, this is my grandmother tatyana and this is my grandfather nicholas. i have two uncles, the first yuri, the second is vladimir and the first aunt julia.

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