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25 .миниатюра "моя малая родина"(надо про самару написать или про улицу на который ты живёшь) с участием природы.с ипользыванием 2-х цитат из стихов о природе

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Ответы на вопрос:

Выберите правильный вариант вопроса. 1. were the early locomotives small and slow? yes, they were. 2. did the rails break very often? yes, they did. 3. when did peter cooper construct his locomotive? peter cooper constructed his locomotive in 1830. 4. why did he call it the tom thumb? he called it the tom thumb because the locomotive was small and light. 5. did he (it) travel a long distance? no, it didn't. 6. could his loco run quicker than a carriage drawn by a horse? yes, it could.

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