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2. open the brackets. 1) the wind (to blow) when we (to be) in the open sea. 2) (to leave) when (to arrive). 3) (to travel) abroad when (to get) his letter. 4) (to rain) all the evening yesterday. 5) when (to enter) the classroom, (to sit) at the desks. 6) my (to work) at 1 o’clock yesterday. 7) (to have) breakfast when the (to come). 8) (to get) ready for the exam while (to read).

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Ответы на вопрос:

he  -   nick, tim, tom.

she  - queen, jess, kate, ann, jane.

it -  clock, hen, tennis, hat, box.

they -  ducks,  pens,  foxes.

Популярно: Английский язык