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Переведите на без переводчика ! когда корабль начал тонуть люди смотрели по сторонам с ужасом. все поняли, что титаник ударился о айсберг. капитан дал команду поднять паруса. на воду начали спускать спасательные шлюпки. все в панике бегали по кораблю. громко звучала звуковая сигнализация. люди начали уплывать на спасательных шлюпках. надеюсь нам повезет попасть на берег. но спасательных шлюпок на всех не хватало. это было ужасно! (спасательная шлюпка - run for lifeboats повезет попастьна берег- be lucky to get on)

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Ответы на вопрос:

When ship started drown, people looked around with horror. everyone understood that titanic hit an iceberg. captaingiven team to lift sail. on the water started let down boats. everuone in panic were running on the ship. very loud sounded sound system. people started float away on the rescue boats. hopefully we are lucky to reach the shore. but rescue boats doesn't enough to all. this is very horrible!

When the ship began to sink people looked around with horror. everyone understood that the titanic hit the iceberg. captain gave the command to raise the sails. lifeboats began to be lowered intothe water. everyone was running around the ship in panic. the sound alarm sounded very loudly. people began to float away in lifeboats. i hope we are be lucky to get on to the beach. but there were not enough lifeboats for everyone. it was terrible!

Take a big stone and a small stone.  and show him that it is easier to punch a clay pot with a large stone.  a small stone should be knocked much stronger to break or leave dents

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