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5. выберите нужное слово и переведите предложения на язык: 1 the child was kidnapped by a notorious of robbers. a) crew b) gang c) staff d) team 2 a: he killed his wife? b: yes, he’s been charged with a) bribery b) manslaughter c) forgery d) embezzlement 3 there are lots of in this part of the city – put your money and phone somewhere safe. a) burglars b) pickpockets c) shoplifters d) muggers 4 there was no linking him to the case so the police had to let him go. a) statement b) evidence c) suspect d) sentence 5 the sentenced the accused to 15 years in prison. a) lawyer b) counsel c) judge d) prosecutor

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26. it

27. wants

28. postman

29. Katie’s

30. knives

31. b

32. a

33. a

34. b

35. b

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